Make an Email signature.

Make an email address at Gmail or Yahoo.

Gmail: Go top of right side of your page. Click on settings. A settings page will be opened. Here you find an options of Signature. Copy a banner image from this site and upload it into Signature box. Link this banner to your affiliated link. When you send an email, this signature will go with it.
Go another options Vacation responder: It help you to send an automated reply to incoming messages. If a contact sends you several messages, this automated reply will be sent at most once every 4 days. In this box write message and post your affiliated link. That's OK, Click on Save Changes.

Yahoo: Click on Options at top-right side of your page. Click on mail options. Click on Signature at left side bar. Here you can do as above as Gmail.
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How can you change your meta descriptions in blogger (blogspot)

'Search engine' always looking your site or blog 'meta tags'. So
Meta tag and Meta description are two important subject of your website or blog. If you are using blogger now, you should change your meta tag and meta description. It's simple.. First sign in to your blogger account >> Layout >> Edit HTML Now find the below line in your template HTML code
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> 
Just after above line paste the below lines...  
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'> <meta content='YOUR BLOG HOME PAGE DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/> <meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/> </b:if>  
Don't forget to change the YOUR BLOG HOME PAGE DESCRIPTION HERE with your blog description and KEYWORDS with your blog keywords.. That's all.. Now the meta description will only applicable for your home page... And for your posts, first few lines of that post will be considered as meta description by search engines..