No need PayPal now (Free account)

No need PayPal now and then. A Montreal-based online payment solution is easy to use. This increasingly popular service, which has sign up about 4.5 million users. They surf online payment via a computer or Smartphone. You can transfer your balance to your bank account or get check by Email.
You can buy or sell online securely using this service (link to your credit card or bank account). You can send money to friends, or others in nearly 200 countries and in 23 different currencies. This service is Payza. You can start a Payza pro account without any fee.
Marc Saltzman  says, "Speaking of businesses, companies can also use Payza to bill clients who owe them money--including the option to use a template for number of items purchased, price per item, color, and so on-- and recipients can then pay via an Payza account, or if they don't have one, with a valid credit card. Many small-to-midsized businesses even pay their employees using it , say the company."
Now create your free account by clicking below:
Some news about Payza service:
Sign up with Payza today
1. 5 PayPal alternatives
2. Canadian alternative PayPal
3. DailyDollers

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4 Comments to "No need PayPal now (Free account)"

Anonymous said...

i am from bangladesh. i have some doller in alertpay personal starter account. i have no credit card/mastercard/devid card. i want to transfer my doller in to my bangladeshi bank account. how can i do?? please tell me easy prosess. i dnt undtsand anything about alertpay money transfer. help me pls. contact no ++8801676737306

wait for ur reply..

masud said...

Click withdraw-Click Check-Write amount than follow instructions.

masud said...

If you earn dollar by referrals, you must upgrade your account into PersonalPro. It's free too.

Anonymous said...

If you earn dollar by referrals, you must upgrade your account into PersonalPro. It's free too.